I’ve Taken Up Knitting and Crocheting

About two months ago, I decided to try crochet. I did this, mainly, so I could have a hobby that didn’t make much noise, that I could do while we were watching TV. My Rubik’s Cubes made too much noise, and crochet seemed like it would fit the bill. Shortly after I got started, two of my friends were both extolling the virtues of knitting, so I decided to give that a try, too. One of those friends documents all of his work at Knitting Daddy.

I’ve been mostly alternating between arts: knit one, crochet two, etc. 🙂 I’ve been posting photos of my finished objects to Flickr, but I am going to try to start posting here about the work, not just pictures of it.

Here’s what I’ve done so far. Details of all of these projects, including patterns and yarn info, can be found on my Ravelry page. I’m joeygibson over there.

First Project: A Knit Scarf

I did several test swatches before actually starting a proper project, but this is it. It took me a week to make.

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Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskf3eb4m

Second Project: A Knit Crown

This one was a bit silly. Several of my ukulele friends were making them, so I decided to make one, too. This one took a few days.

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Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskg2beCq

Third Project: Crochet Fingerless Gloves

This one was interesting. I didn’t realize when I started that they were adult smalls, so there was no way they would fit any of us. I continued making them, though, just for fun. I donated them to charity the other day, so maybe someone will get some use out of them. They weren’t supposed to be this big, but I got carried away one night, and did a few too many rows. Rather than frog them, I went ahead and made the other the same length. So they are more like fingerless opera gloves.


Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskgiD7Bv

Fourth Project: Knit Potato Chip Scarf

This one took about ten days, but I love the results. I actually bought this yarn before I had a plan for what to do with it. It’s a silk blend that really looks nice up close. I’m going to enter this in the county fair, and then my wife gets to keep it.


Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskgriFrd

Fifth Project: Adorable Cthulhu

I saw the pattern for this one and knew I had to make one. The person who posted the pattern said she crocheted it with double strands, but I just did it as a single. I figured since this was my first somewhat complicated project, I didn’t want to complicate it further by having to deal with two strands of yarn. I will make another one, eventually, with two strands.


Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskhpJUvr

Odds ‘n’ Ends

These can’t really be called a project, they are just some noodling. I bought a book called Flowers and Leaves: 70 Stitch Patterns You’ll Love To Knit, and I’ve been working some test swatches from there. The first is a little tree.


Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHski3qHwX

and the second is called “Leaves of Grass”, and sort of looks like grass.


Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskeGgH8W

This weekend, I’m going to start on some socks.

One thought on “I’ve Taken Up Knitting and Crocheting

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! Your knitting is excellent, and your Cthulhu is getting me one step closer to learning crochet for real. I hope you continue to find joy in the fiber arts. I find it’s a great balance to the many stresses in life.

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