Fizzing and Buzzing With Clojure

I’ve known about the FizzBuzz problem for a few years. I’ve written solutions for it in a few languages, but never posted them. I’ve been working with Clojure lately, and after reading articles about how many job applicants can’t solve a simple problem like this here, here and here, I decided to do a Clojure version. (It baffles me that someone who claims to be a developer can’t come up with a solution for this, no matter how good or bad it might be.)

I ended up doing it three different ways. The first is a simple first-cut solution. The second is somewhat better, I think, and the third is a refinement of the second. In all three cases, they use a nested function to do the evaluation, and return a lazy, infinite sequence. Here’s the first

(defn fizzbuzz []
(map (fn [i] (cond
(and (= (rem i 3) 0)
(= (rem i 5) 0)) "FizzBuzz!"
(= (rem i 3) 0) "Fizz!"
(= (rem i 5) 0) "Buzz!"
:else i))
(iterate inc 1)))

(doseq [i (take 100 (fizzbuzz))]
(println i))

This solution does work, but I have a problem with the fact that the division tests are done twice. I think doing those tests twice increases the chances of making a mistake. The second version does the tests one time, assigning the results to locals. It then checks them for nil, and concatenates them together, relying on the fact that a nil will not print.

(defn fb []
(let [fb1 (fn [n]
(let [fizz (if (= (rem n 3) 0) "Fizz")
buzz (if (= (rem n 5) 0) "Buzz")]
(if (or fizz buzz)
(str fizz buzz "!")
(map fb1 (iterate inc 1))))

(doseq [i (take 100 (fb))]
(println i))

In this version, instead of passing an anonymous function to map, I assigned it to a local in a let expression. You can see that I only do the math once, assigning locals with either the appropriate word, or nil. I then check that one or the other of the locals are non-nil, cat them together and return it. If both are nil, the number itself is returned.

The third version is almost identical to the second. The only difference is that the second one used a let expression, and the third one uses a letfn expression. It’s effectively the same thing, but the third one is ever-so-slightly shorter, and I think every-so-slightly easier to read.

(defn fb2 []
(letfn [(fb3 [n]
(let [fizz (if (= (rem n 3) 0) "Fizz")
buzz (if (= (rem n 5) 0) "Buzz")]
(if (or fizz buzz)
(str fizz buzz "!")
(map fb3 (iterate inc 1))))

(doseq [i (take 100 (fb2))]
(println i))

I don’t claim that these are particularly good solutions, though I do claim they work correctly. Any Clojure experts care to point out problems and/or offer suggestions?

99 Scala Problems #28 – I Like My Solution Better

I’ve been working through this list of 99 Scala Problems, which is modeled after this list of 99 Prolog Problems. As I’ve been going through them, I have been comparing my solutions to those provided (obviously). Sometimes, my solution is more or less the same as the “official” solution. Sometimes, theirs is better. In the case of problem 28, I think mine is far easier to read and understand.

Problem 28 has two parts. The first part reads:

a) We suppose that a list contains elements that are lists themselves. The objective is to sort the elements of the list according to their length. E.g. short lists first, longer lists later, or vice versa.

Running the function should look like this:

scala> lsort(List(List("a", "b", "c"), List("d", "e"), List("f", "g", "h"), List("d", "e"), List("i", "j", "k", "l"), List("m", "n"), List("o")))

res0: List[List[java.lang.String]] = List(List(o), List(d, e), List(d, e), List(m, n), List(a, b, c), List(f, g, h), List(i, j, k, l))

For this part, my solution was almost identical. Here’s what I came up with:

def lsort[T](ls: List[List[T]]) = {
ls.sortWith {(a, b) => a.length < b.length}

You can see that this function takes a List of type T, and then calls the sortWith method on that list, passing in a function value that sorts the lists based on their length, shortest to longest. The “official” solution was only slightly different:

def lsort[A](ls: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] =
ls sort { _.length < _.length }

Here, they used A instead of T, but that doesn’t affect anything, and they specified the return type, while I left mine inferred. Instead of assigning each bucket of the list to a named variable, as I did, they use the underscore placeholder. The two functions are functionally (get it?) identical, but theirs is a bit shorter because they removed the outer braces, and were able to skip the parameter list, since they used the underscores.

Now, the second part is where I diverge from the official solution. Here’s the problem description:

b) Again, we suppose that a list contains elements that are lists themselves. But this time the objective is to sort the elements according to their length frequency; i.e. in the default, sorting is done ascendingly, lists with rare lengths are placed [first], others with a more frequent length come later.

And the expected call and result is

scala> lsortFreq(List(List("a", "b", "c"), List("d", "e"), List("f", "g", "h"), List("d", "e"), List("i", "j", "k", "l"), List("m", "n"), List("o")))

res1: List[List[java.lang.String]] = List(List(i, j, k, l), List(o), List(a, b, c), List(f, g, h), List(d, e), List(d, e), List(m, n))[/scala]

First, let’s look at what they presented as the solution. It referenced functions from other files, but I have included them all here for easy of viewing.

def lsortFreq[A](ls: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
val freqs = Map(encode(ls map { _.length } sort { _ < _ }) map { _.swap }:_*)
ls sort { (e1, e2) => freqs(e1.length) < freqs(e2.length) }

def encode[T](ls: List[T]): List[(Int, T)] = {
val packedList = pack(ls)
packedList map {list => (list.length, list.head)}

def pack[T](ls: List[T]): List[List[T]] = ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case h :: tail => (h :: tail.takeWhile(_ == h)) :: pack(tail.dropWhile(_ == h))

I think this is very confusing code. It’s calling the encode function which does run-length encoding of the passed-in thing. It then uses a Map of these encodings to sort the passed-in list. The presence of five underscores in the first line, obscures where those parameters are coming from, and the final underscore is actually part of the _* method of the Array class!

My solution, while being a longer function, is far more readable, in my opinion. And, it’s the same number of lines as the three-method solution. Here it is

def lsortFreq[T](ls: List[List[T]]) = {
val lengthMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int, Int]()

for (l <- ls) {
val len = l.length
if (!lengthMap.contains(len)) {
lengthMap(len) = 1
} else {
lengthMap(len) += 1

ls sortWith {(a, b) => lengthMap(a.length) < lengthMap(b.length)}

In my function, I created a mutable Map and then iterate over the list, getting each item’s length, and then keep a running tally of how many items had that length. The map has these lengths as its keys, and the number of items with that length as its values. Get it? I then sort the original list by having each item in the comparison lookup how many items share its length, and use that as the sort criterion.

I have no idea which of these solutions is more efficient. For small problems like this, I doubt there’s any measurable difference. But I do believe that my solution is easier to read and understand. So much so, in fact, that I think someone who is not familiar with Scala would be able to easily figure out what it’s doing. I don’t know that the same can be said of the other solution.

I got criticized for promoting terse code in this article, so this is my attempt at balance. 🙂

Note: I did change the inputs to these functions from symbols to strings. The code formatter I use on the blog wasn’t colorizing things properly when there were symbols involved.

Procedural vs. Functional

With the rise of Scala and Clojure, there’s been a lot of talk lately about procedural vs. functional styles of coding. Most developers are accustomed to procedural coding, and functional can be hard to get a handle on. I was working through Programming in Scala (again) this morning, and I came upon this function:

// Procedural implementation
def longestWord(words: Array[String]) = {
  var word = words(0)
  var idx = 0

  for (i <- 1 until words.length)
    if (words(i).length > word.length) {
      word = words(i)
      idx = i

  (word, idx)

The purpose of this function is to find the longest word in the passed-in array, and return a tuple with that longest word, and its index in the array. You can see that in this function, we have two vars, one for the current longest word, and another for its index in the array. We then use a for expression to walk the array, reassigning word and idx when we find a longer word. This is very much like how you would write this in Java.

I decided to rewrite this function in a more functional style, just to see how my functional chops are coming along. Here’s what I ended up with:

// A more functional implementation
def longestWord(words: Array[String]) =
  (("", -1) /: words.zipWithIndex) {(old, cur) =>
    if (cur._1.length > old._1.length) cur
    else old

First of all, notice how much shorter this function is than the first one. Also, notice that there is only a single expression in the function, so the outer curly braces aren’t necessary. What this expression is doing is calling zipWithIndex on the passed-in array, which results in an array of tuples containing each word and its index. We then call foldLeft using its operator name of /:, with its initial argument being a tuple with an empty string and -1 for an index. What foldLeft does is apply the function value passed to it to pairs of arguments. On the first pass, the arguments are what was passed in and the first element in the array. On the second iteration, the arguments are the result of the first pass and the second element in the array. This then continues through the entire array. What is returned after the final pass will be a tuple that contains the longest word in the array, and its index.

Now, I don’t claim to be a functional master or anything, but I think this is a decent illustration of how the functional style can reduce the lines of code, and the number of mutable variables, while making the code easier to read and understand.