Three Songs From Anvil’s Show in Athens, GA on 02/03/2012

I went to see the awesome metal band Anvil last night at the Melting Point in Athens, GA. They played a great show, and here are three highlights. The first video is the first two songs of the night, March of the Crabs and 666. The second video is the Spanish Inquisition-themed song, Thumb Hang, which nobody expects. Check the videos out, and if Anvil comes to your town, definitely check them out.

The Perfect Summation of Our Trip to Myrtle Beach

We went to Myrtle Beach, SC, last weekend and had a wonderful time. I have lots of pictures that I’ll be posting to Flickr very soon. I just got back from getting my waterproof, single-use camera developed, and there are a few shots in there that might show up, too.

In the meantime, here’s a complete and total summation of our entire trip. I shot this video within about an hour of our arrival, and the whole vacation was one great moment after another.

Thomas Interviews Me Using Our New Flip HD Camcorder

We got a new Flip Video MinoHD Camcorder yesterday from Amazon. It’s a very neat little device. It records in HD and holds up to 60 minutes of video on its solid state storage. It attaches to your computer, Mac or PC, using a built-in USB connection, and the first time you attach it to a machine, it installs its software. The above video was shot by Thomas about an hour after we opened the box. I imported the video into iMovie and poked around until I figured out how to add the title cards. Not an Oscar-worthy production, to be sure! Still, it was fun making it. I look awful in it, so please be kind with your comments. 🙂