Get a REPL On Your Current Java Project

I like to test things out interactively, so I love working with languages that provide a REPL. I’m currently working on a Java project, but Java doesn’t have a REPL. Several languages built on top of the JVM do have them, and these langauges can access the Java classes on their classpaths. Groovy, Scala and Clojure are just three such examples, that I happen to work with.

I got this tip from this response on a post. His tip was for Scala, which looks like this:

scala -cp target/classes:`/usr/bin/mvn \
dependency:build-classpath \
| grep "^[^\[]"`

The bit between the backticks runs a Maven goal that outputs the jars that your project depends on, and then extracts just the list of fully-qualified jar files to append to the Scala classpath. If you want to use Groovy for your REPL, it would look like this:

groovysh -cp target/classes:`/usr/bin/mvn \
dependency:build-classpath \
| grep "^[^\[]"`

Similarly, if you’d rather use Clojure, do this:

java -cp target/classes:`/usr/bin/mvn \
dependency:build-classpath \
| grep "^[^\[]"`:/path/to/clojure.jar clojure.main

(Note: In the examples above, I’ve split the code across multiple lines for clarity. In reality, it can be all on one line.)

2 Solutions To Project Euler Problem #1

In an effort to not go a whole month without blogging, and in the interest of posting some code samples, I give you two solutions to Project Euler: Problem #1. If you’ve never heard of it, Project Euler (pronounced “oiler” after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Paul Euler) is a set of increasingly difficult programming challenges. Participants can write their programs in any language and the only goal is to solve the problems and learn something. There are no prizes and you don’t have to show your work.

I had looked at this project years ago, and I swear I thought I had already solved some of them, but maybe I only thought about doing it. Anyway, I have two solutions to the first problem; one in Groovy and the other in Scala. Here, then, is how Project Euler describes the problem

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

So, the goal is to take a series of numbers from 0 to 1000, exclusive, find all the numbers divisible by 3 or 5 and add them together. Here’s the Groovy solution.

def subList = (0..<1000).findAll {it % 3 == 0 || it % 5 == 0} 

def sum = subList.inject(0) {i, sum -> sum + i}

println "Sum = ${sum}"

This is a very simple program, and I could have written it as a one-line program. I broke it up into a few lines for clarity. As you can see, the first line creates an exclusive range from 0 to 1000. It then calls the findAll method on that range, passing in a closure that will return true if the passed-in digit from the range, called “it” here, is evenly divisible by 3 or 5. The result of findAll is another collection, containing only those values that passed the divisibility test. We then take that list, passing 0 into the inject method, which will neatly sum the values up and return that value. Easy peasy.

Now here’s the Scala version. You’ll notice it is very similar to the Groovy solution.

val subList = for {
    i <- List.range(0, 1000)
    if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0
} yield i 

val sum = subList.foldLeft(0) {(i, j) => i + j}

println("Sum = " + sum)

I used a sequence comprehension to generate the sublist here. The bit beginning with “for” generates an exclusive range from 0 to 1000, which is then iterated over, assigning each value to “i”. Then, if it is divisible by 3 or 5, it is yielded up by the comprehension. The result is a collection of just those numbers that we want, assigned to the val called subList. We then call foldLeft on that sublist, doing exactly what we did in the Groovy solution. Again, pretty simple.

Now, I could have solved this one in an almost identical fashion to the Groovy solution by using the filter method of lists, but I wanted to solve it first using a list comprehension. Here is the second solution

val subList = List.range(0, 1000) filter {i => i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0}

val sum = subList.foldLeft(0) {(i, j) => i + j}

println("Sum = " + sum)

I timed the solutions and all three finished in just over a second. The second Scala solution seemed ever-so-slightly faster than the other two.

As I get time, I will work on additional problems from the site and post the answers here. I don’t know that I’ll always do solutions in two languages, but I might.

Grails Podcast Mentions My Closure Post

Like other bloggers with an ego, I have Google Alerts set up to let me know when someone mentions me or my blog anywhere that Google knows about. I got an alert yesterday letting me know that I’d been mentioned on the latest episode of the Grails Podcast. How cool is that? Specifically, they mentioned my [cref groovy-sql-closure-examples Groovy Sql Closure Examples] post. Thanks, Glen and Sven, for the podcast love. 🙂

I’ve been spending some time with Grails latest and have been really impressed with it. I spent a couple of hours on Saturday playing with it, seeing how much of my Rails knowledge was applicable to Grails. Quite a bit of it, actually. I really like what I’ve seen of Grails, so far. I’d probably have to use it on a real project to really get a feel for it, but it looks like it would be a nice environment to work in.

Groovy Sql Closure Examples

My [cref why-i-love-closures post about closures] last week generated quite a bit of traffic and comments, both positive and negative. I decided to followup on that post with a few examples of how to add a method that I believe is missing from Groovy’s Sql class that will execute a closure, and will guarantee that the connection gets closed, no matter the outcome of the closure’s contents.

I’m going to discuss three ways to add a method that does what we want:

  1. Wrap the existing class
  2. Modify the MetaClass of the existing class
  3. Use a Category

All three of these are extremely simple. I think it mostly comes down to preference as to which one you might want to use. Before we get started, let me say that Groovy is optionally-typed. What this means is that you don’t have to declare variable types if you don’t want to. I like not having to declare variable types, so I have not done so in any of these example. You might hate that, and think it sloppy/heretical/evil. If so, and you choose to use any of the code I present, feel free to declare your variable types. So, with that out of the way, let’s start with the wrapping approach.

Wrap the existing class

First, we’ll create a class called ISql that wraps an instance of Sql.

import groovy.sql.Sql

public class ISql
   public static newInstance(url, user, pass, driver, closure)
     def con

       con = Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver)

       if (closure)

You can see that we’ve got a class with a single static method called newInstance, to mimic the standard way of creating a Sql instance. It takes the same four arguments that the Sql class does, but it takes one extra argument: a Closure. All this method does is create an instance of Sql, executes the closure, passing in the Sql instance, and then ensures that the connection gets closed, through the call to con.close() in the finally block. To use this class, you can do this

ISql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver) {con -&gt;
  con.eachRow(&quot;select * from Foo&quot;) {row -&gt;
    println &quot;ID: $;

In this test, we call our special newInstance method, passing in the connection parameters, and then tacking on a closure at the end. Inside the closure, we get access to the connection through the con variable, and then we can do anything we would normally do with a Sql connection. In this case, we execute a query and print the value of each row’s Id column. Nothing too exciting, but it works. No matter what happens inside those closures, the connection is guaranteed to be closed at the end. 

Modify the MetaClass of the existing class

The second way to do this is to add a method to Groovy’s built-in Sql class by modifying its MetaClass. Here’s the code to do that:

Sql.metaClass.static.newInstance &lt;&lt; {url, user, pass, driver, closure -&gt;
  def con

    con = Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver)

    if (closure)

Everything after line three is exactly like what we did in the wrapping approach. The magic occurs in line one. In that line, we get the Sql class’ MetaClass, and then grab the static property of the MetaClass. We then add another method called newInstance by using the << operator to append a closure taking the right number of arguments. To call it, we have code that looks almost identical to our last example, but instead of using the ISql class, we’re using Groovy’s built-in Sql class with our special method included.

Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver) {con -&gt;
  con.eachRow(&quot;select * from Foo&quot;) {row -&gt;
    println &quot;ID: $;

You can see that with the exception of the missing ‘I’, the code is exactly the same.

Use a Category

Groovy also provides something called Categories that allow you to add methods to existing classes, but they are only usable while the Category is in use. It’s somewhat confusing, and is my least favorite approach, but here’s how it works. You create a class with a static method taking the arguments you want to pass, plus an extra argument, usually called “self”, that will get passed the thing on which you’re calling this method. This special required argument must be the first in the list. Here’s our category called SqlHelper

import groovy.sql.Sql

public class SqlHelper
  def static newInstance(self, url, user, pass, driver, closure)
    def con

      con = Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver)

      if (closure)

Notice that the first parameter to newInstance is that special “self” variable. If you don’t include that argument in the method declaration, calling the method won’t work. I should add that you don’t actually pass any argument for “self” yourself when calling the method. This is handled by Groovy, in much the same way Python programs stuff values into a method’s “self” argument. So, to use the category, you have to wrap your operation in a “use” block

  Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver) {con -&gt;
    con.eachRow(&quot;select * from Foo&quot;) {row -&gt;
      println &quot;ID: $;

Here, we declare that we want to use SqlHelper by using a “use” block that contains the category in parentheses. Within the curly brackets of the use (also a closure), Groovy will see our call to newInstance on the Sql class, and will figure out that we want to use the one in the category. It will then call that method, passing the Sql class as the self parameter, and all our other arguments as you would expect. With the exception of having to use the “use” block, this code looks just like the second example.

When Something Goes Wrong

I said that in each case, no matter what happens in the closure, the connection was guaranteed to get closed. Someone commented on the last post that he was concerned that the use of closures would somehow obscure where the problem occurred. It doesn’t. You still get the line number of where things went pear-shaped. For example,

  ISql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver) {con -&gt;
    con.eachRow(&quot;select * from boingo&quot;) {row -&gt;
      println &quot;ID: $;
catch (Exception e)

In this case, there is no table called “boingo,” and so when I execute this code I get an exception thrown, and from the stack trace, I can see where the problem occurred:

java.sql.SQLException: Invalid object name 'boingo'.
  at groovy.sql.Sql.eachRow(
  at groovy.sql.Sql.eachRow(
  at ISqlTest$_testBadness_closure2.doCall(ISqlTest.groovy:38)

I cut some of the stack dump out for brevity, but you can see that it was a java.sql.SQLException that was thrown, and it references line 38 in the code. That just as much information as you’d get from straight Java in this case, so you should be able to diagnose the problem.

Other Approaches

I should add that you should be able to subclass the Sql class, adding a static method called newInstance that accepts a closure in addition to the four connection arguments. I tried that, but it didn’t work. Actually, it partially worked. The newInstance method I added worked like a champ, but the original newInstance method was no longer visible. I don’t know why, but that’s the behavior I was seeing. It might just be that I’m not familiar enough with Groovy, but I couldn’t get it to work. If anyone knows why, let me know.

To Sum Up

So, those are three ways to add a closure-with-guaranteed-connection-closing method to Groovy. Which of these approaches should you use? Personally, I prefer the second way, adding a method to Sql through its metaclass, but it really comes down to preference. Whichever way you choose should be documented so your teammates understand what’s going on.

I hope that someone on the Groovy team will realize that they left this functionality out of the previous versions and decide to add it for a future version. It really strikes me as odd that this is not in there already, since it seems to fit so well with the language. The fact that various methods inside the Sql class take closures, but not the construction method, makes me think it was just an oversight.

Why I Love Closures

I’ve been a big fan of closures for years. I was first introduced to them in Smalltalk, where they were just called blocks. Ruby has them and also calls them blocks. Java does not have them, though there are proposals (such as this one) to add them to a future version of the language. Groovy has them now, and while they aren’t as shiny as those in Ruby, they do work.

So what’s so great about closures anyway? They are blocks of code that retain links to things that were in scope when they were created, but they also have access to things that are in scope when they execute. They can be passed around, usually to methods that will execute them at a later time, in a possibly different context. That doesn’t sound all that exciting, but what is exciting is when the language in question lets you pass in a closure to do some work, and then cleans up after you when the work is done. Here’s an example of some Ruby code that I have written in tons of scripts.

count = 0

DBI.connect(*CREDENTIALS) do |con|;results.txt&quot;, &quot;w&quot;) do |file|
    con.select_all(sql) do |row|
      file.puts &quot;... interesting data from the query ...&quot;
      count += 1

puts &quot;Total records: #{count}&quot;

What that code does is declare a variable, count, that will be used to keep track of how many records we processed. It then connects to a database, creates a file called “results.txt,” executes a SQL select, writes some of the data from each row to the file and increments the count variable. At the end, we print out the count variable.

There are three closures in that bit of code. They begin on lines 3, 4 and 5, respectively. The first connects to the database. The second creates the output file and the third performs a SQL select, writes the output and bumps the counter. Rather concise code, don’t you think?

Do you notice anything missing from this code? Two very important things are not there: closing the file and closing the database connection. I said these bits are not there, but they really are. The block version of DBI.connect ensures that no matter how events unfold, either successfully or with an exception, the database connection will get closed. Similarly, the ensures the file will get closed. This is one of the most beautiful aspects of languages that support closures.

As I said earlier, Groovy has closure support baked in. While I’m not completely thrilled with the syntax, it’s close enough to Ruby’s that it’s not bad. As I was writing this post, I was surprised to discover that Groovy’s SQL module doesn’t support a closure passed to the connection, which means you still have to worry about closing your connection when you’re done. Anyway, Groovy’s file-writing idiom looks like this

new FileWriter(&quot;results.txt&quot;).withWriter {writer -&gt;
  writer.write(&quot;... interesting data ...&quot;)

I don’t really like using the -> as the closure parameter delimiter; I’d rather use a | (pipe symbol) like Smalltalk and Ruby do. Regardless of syntax differences, that’s how you write the file, but what about the SQL stuff? Since we can’t use a closure, it’s a bit more involved.

con = Sql.newInstance(url, user, pass, driver)

  new FileWriter(&quot;output.txt&quot;).withWriter {writer -&gt;
    con.eachRow(&quot;select * from foo&quot;) {row -&gt;
      writer.write(&quot;Foo: ${}n&quot;)

You can see that even though we can’t use a closure to ensure the database connection gets closed, there are still two closures in use. The one beginning on line five opens the file, while the one beginning on line six writes out some of the data from each row returned by the query. Pretty nifty, eh? I’m disappointed that Groovy doesn’t support passing a closure to the database connection, but maybe we’ll get that in a future version.

For comparison, here’s how you would write this program in straight Java.

Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

  con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
  stmt = con.createStatement();
  rs = stmt.executeQuery(&quot;select * from Foo&quot;);
  PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(&quot;output.txt&quot;));

    while (
      writer.println(&quot;Foo: &quot; + rs.getString(&quot;Id&quot;));
catch (Exception e)
    if (rs != null)
    if (stmt != null)
    if (con != null)
  catch (Exception e)

The majority of that code deals with cleaning up when the real work has been finished. I don’t know what Java’s closures will ultimately look like, or if we’ll get them at all. I’m hopeful, though, that we’ll get a decent implementation, and can then jettison code like you see above. (I know that using Hibernate or some other mapping tool can eliminate code like this, but not every situation needs that type of framework.)